


until NaNoWriMo 2012 ends!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Asana 9 - Plank Pose


NaNoWriMo Sun Salutation - Asana 9

Plank Pose is where things start to heat up.

It's easy to let go in this pose, allowing the belly to sag and the shoulders to fall forward -- but Dandasana is not the place to let go. Dandasana is about strength and integration of the whole body.

It's a tough pose for me because a lot of weight is born by the upper body, where I'm not strong, but Dandasana is not just about the shoulder and arm muscles. Chest and abdominal muscles are key, and the whole of the legs remain firm to strengthen the pose.

Dandasana is mid-NaNoWriMo. Many words have been laid down on the page. Ideas are flowing freely. October's crazy dreams and flashes of inspiration have been incorporated into the work, and the story is flowing nicely. Now it's time to get serious.

The story's "caretaker" gives way to the "work horse" who must pull all of the story's threads together, remain strong and focussed and get the job done.

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